Check your colon!

Peter from San Francisco, CA writes –

“I just wanted to let you know that one of the reasons I finally got off my ass (so to speak) and got a colonoscopy was hearing Says You memorialize Richard Sher. I’m almost 51 and had put it off. In the end it wasn’t too bad (the prep is the worst) and I got a clean and reassuring bill of health (at least down there). Thanks for using your soapbox well and I too miss hearing Richard Sher on Air.”


Thank you for writing in and making the Says You! team proud! We’re so glad our message was received and hope many more listeners did the same as Peter.

1 reply
  1. Stephen Kahler
    Stephen Kahler says:

    A few weeks ago (I’m pretty sure it was your show) was a definition/fake a definition episode, where the word ‘felloe’ was being discussed. I’m disappointed that it fooled anyone. I’m very fond of Oliver Wendell Holmes’s The Deacon’s Masterpiece, or The Wonderful ‘one-hoss shay’, which lists a lot of components of a shay.

    (“Now in building of chaises, I tell you what,
    There is always somewhere a weakest spot,–
    In hub, tire, felloe, in spring or thill,
    In panel, or crossbar, or floor, or sill,
    In screw, bolt thoroughbrace,–lurking still,
    Find it somewhere you must, and will,–
    Above or below, or within or without,–
    And that’s the reason, beyond a doubt,
    A chaise breaks down, but doesn’t wear out.”)

    This poem was in a lot of anthologies of American poetry when I was growing up. I got to know it much later than that, and have loved it ever since.
    Since your panel didn’t seem familiar with it, there might be some other quizwords
    lurking somewhere, within or without, if the panel don’t go out and read the poem.


    (also from the poem
    “A general flavor of mild decay,
    But nothing local, as one may say”).


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