Kerry, a native of Lowell, Massachusetts, takes exception with:
During a Says You! show from Wisconsin, ‘Seven Brides for Seven Brothers’ was discussed. I am a Lowell native/resident, so imagine my dismay when Lowell was then maligned (perhaps someday you will do a show from here and we can redeem ourselves – home of Jack Kerouac, Elinor Lippman, visited by Dickens, the Fighter is set here, and so much more!). I will forgive all if you can refer me to some source to support the claim that the 7 brides were from Lowell, Massachusetts, so I can add to my list (see above) and share info with friends. Thanks.

I love you all regardless, Kerry
Mixed in truth, legend, and television, the story of the Mercer Girls made it to the small screen in 1968 as “Here Come the Brides.” The TV series starred Joan Blondell and launched Bobby Sherman and David Soul to pop stardom. If any listeners believe they know more about the original story of the Mercer girls, send in your comments “To Kerry…” and we will post.