8pm Tonight – Says You! LIVE

Join Says You! LIVE tonight at 8:00pm. For a sneak peek, click below and subscribe to our NEW YouTube channel!

Zoom with Deb Hiett

Deb Hiett, a Says You! radio regular, has authored a new play and put together an amazing cast, as part of the “First Peek” series featuring new plays (all works in progress). Deb’s play “Circle Forward” will have its very first public reading on Zoom on Saturday June 12 at 3:30 PDT  (ending @4:45pm).

“Circle Forward” synopsis: When a 15 year old boy claims to be the reincarnation of a writer’s late husband, she must come to terms with her version of the past. The cast includes Meeghan Holaway, Catia Ojeda, Max Torina, and Caitlin Crawley.

Tickets are FREE — just RSVP/register HERE  Your Zoom link will arrive just before the reading. Please stay to share your feedback.



Arnie Reisman & a Hollywood Memior

Says You! favorite Arnie Reisman interviews Victoria Raskin LIVE! The event is being hosted by the Vineyard Haven Library on Martha’s Vineyard. Join live with the Zoom invitation below!

Topic: Fay Wray and Robert Riskin: A Hollywood Memoir by Victoria Riskin
Time: May 25, 2021 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) 3 PM Pacific Time

This Week on Says You!

A Clever Lexicon

Tim H. (animator, and sometimes cartoonist) who hears us on WPLN, writes…

Dear Says You!

As I was enjoying this week’s episode, I wanted to interrupt your team members for a definition clarification. The word was “Flewb: a cartoon drawing of water droplets.” It was stated that it was an animator’s word. It is not. It is a comic strip cartoonist’s work (a closely related but very different discipline). Cartoonist Mort Walker, creator of Beetle Bailey, Hi & Lois, and others came up with a clever lexicon of cartoonists words to describe the visual conventions of comic strips, like the symbols used for profanity (Grawlixes), or stars and tiny circles that circle a head indicating intoxication (Squeans). Not many cartoonists actually use the words. They were pretty much just for fun for Mr. Walker and his compatriots.

Thank you, and keep up the great work!