A ‘Big 10’ Weekend

Says You! heads to The University of Illinois and Indiana University for a Big 10 Weekend!

On Friday night, May 2, the Says You! Gang heads to Gregory Hall on the campus of The University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana, IL for ‘Champaign Slip-ups,’ a live performance of the show. Then the next night, we’re in Bloomington, IN for ‘Hoosier Dada,’ an evening of abstract wordplay on the campus of Indiana University. A short trip to the ‘Get Tickets’ link can fill in the deets. Come blow off a little steam right before Final Exams with the incorrigible crew… of Says You!

A ‘Peak’ Performance

Says You! heads to STOWE, VT!

On Saturday night, April 12, the whole gang heads to the Spruce Peak Performing Art Center for a live performance of the show. You can find out the who, what, when, where and how’s… by following the ‘Get Tickets’ link on the homepage. We hope to see you there for our celebration of Spring at the top of Vermont.

Puget Double Talk

Listener Fred Miller writes:

Sorry, but Walla Walla is not in western Washington. To us who are in western Washington, it’s the far east- almost Idaho. But there is a double place name in western Washington- the beautiful Hamma Hamma River. It’s in the southeast corner of the Olympics between Lilliwaup and Humptulips.

I wouldn’t have mentioned it but I never pass up a chance at a sentence with Hamma Hamma, Lilliwaup and Humptulips!

Walla Walla Boo Boo

Listener Mary Woodward of Seattle, WA writes:

Washington State may be in the West, however Walla Walla is in EASTERN Washington. It’s an important distinction here.

Four years at Whitman College taught me to appreciate the beauties of the mysterious East.

As the song says:

Walla Walla is the city of sin and vice
They liked it so well they named it twice…

Thank you, Mary, you are correct. Richard, in his ‘flus’tration, simply read the script incorrectly. Seems like it wouldn’t be hard to get it right, but…