Quechua in Boston — SPOILERS
At the Boston University show we took a glance into the most widely spoken indigenous language family in the Americas. We like to think of this round as a foray into pig Latin, or perhaps guinea-pig Latin. To help the listeners at home, Barry suggested we post the spellings and pronunciations.
If you haven’t listened to the show yet, you might not want to read these yet! You can find a station to listen to or check us out on iTunes.
Quechua KAY-chwa
Carolyn’s question:
achhiy AH-ch’-hee
Tony’s question:
awsay OW-sigh
pinal PEE-nahl
klub kloob
Arnie’s question:
Atahualpa aht-a-WALL-pa
“Inti!” EEN-tee
Lenore’s question:
-paq pakh = for; for the benefit of
wawapaq talku wa-WA-pakh TALL-koo
Paula’s question:
runa ROO-na = person
simi SEE-mee = tongue
runasimi roo-na-SEE-mee
Tom’s question:
-kuna KOO-na = [indicates plural]
-pis piece = [indicates an item in a list]
awiyunkunapis = ah-wee-yoon-koo-NA-piece
trinkunapis = treen-koo-NA-piece
karrukunapis = karr-rroo-koo-NA-piece