Un-Waisted Ratio

Listener Kristin Carlisle shared this tip with us:

I heard your question about your waist being a multiple of the size of your thumb: of this I’m unsure, but my late sister always checked to see if a pair of pants she was considering buying would fit, by measuring them around the circumference of her neck.  If the pant waistband sides met, the pants would fit!

Have any of our other listeners tried this technique? Let us know!

Getting DOWN with the NYTimes Crossword

Notice something familiar in the Sunday New York Times puzzle on August 2, 2015? It’s the clue for 15 down in the “Literally Speaking” crossword constructed by Matt Ginsberg: “___You!” Yes, that’s us, and blogger Rex Parker took special note of the answer:

SAYS (15D: “___ You!”) — Says You is one of my favorite public radio shows. I was sad to hear that the creator and original host, Richard Sher, passed away earlier this year, but I look forward to hearing the new shows with new host (and long-time panelist) Barry Nolan, once they’re taped.

Pauses for Pawses

Thank you to listener Debbie, her family, and pets for this touching memory:

Our family has listened to Says You for as long as we can remember.  We have gathered in the kitchen: mom, kids, cats and the dog, to listen and laugh and welcome a bunch of witty, funny friends to spend an hour with us.  Each week, Richard always announced the station break by saying, “Says You pauses” and we would tell the cats and the dog that this was his message, especially for them.  After all, each of them has four pawses.  Yeah, silly, but every week he said it and every week, we celebrated our animals being a part of it all. Thanks for everything.  We think of you as friends we have yet to meet.

the Butler family on Vashon Island in Washington State

Courageous Acrostics

Listener Amy Heath from Cleveland, OH shared this wonderful acrostic with us:

Couldn’t we as individuals tap into
Universally shared
Resources when we
Event horizons?

Arnie Reisman’s Clara Bow Died For Our Sins

Our resident panelist, Arnie Reisman, has recently published a fantastic collection of poems and photos during his tenure as Poet Laureate of Martha’s Vineyard. Clara Bow Died For Our Sins is available for purchase on Amazon. Get your copy today!