A Mensa-worthy Romance – Says You! Presents at Mensa Convention

Says You! drew a standing-room-only crowd at Mensa’s 2019 Annual Gathering in Phoenix on July 6th. A first for the Says You! squad. Dave Zobel and Carolyn Faye Fox presented a Mensa session specifically highlighting public radio’s Says You!

“Head writer and occasional host Dave Zobel draws aside the curtain for a backstage peek at the show’s origins, its history, and its six wisecracking, fast-thinking panelists, who spend an hour each week trying to outdo one another in punnery and cleverness … while only occasionally getting around to giving actual answers. In the words of Says You! creator and original host Richard Sher: “It’s not important to know the answer; it’s important to like the answer.”

Mensan and Says You! contributor Linda Ferrazzara wrote the story behind “How I fell in love with a radio show… and what happened when it loved me back” see featured in the Mensa Bulletin article below.

Well, Whaddya Know?

Ralph from San Pablo writes-
“Ya miss one show this year, and it turns out to be the one that puts the House of McCaskey into the Hall of Fame! Fortunately, we heard from a few friends (some absent for years) about it.  Thanks for the app – we were actually able to hear it with our very own ears!”
We received a letter from San Pablo, California…and it reminds us all to tune in each week. If by chance you miss a show, it will be available on our podcast one week after we have gone to the national airwaves as the House of McCaskey learned.

Old Puzzle

Jackson from Knoxville, TN writes –

“I submitted a puzzle years ago. I might have titled it a “silly little game.” I might also have used the title “one word.” It went like this: I would list two words. The two words would have one synonym in common.

For example:
Delicate, Penalty? Fine
Train, Goal? Aim
Plank, Meals? Board

I submitted several of them. A friend told me that you used it on the show and mentioned my name. I would love to pay to download that show. It was probably between 2007 and 2010.”

Thanks for the submission – certainly a nice round to our brand of a “silly little game” about words.  We will dip into the data files and let you know the episode to seek out from our archives so that you may listen again and again.  The archives are filling up with shows from the last twenty years.  You may purchase show by show or you may purchase an entire season for half-price.  We have just re-decorated and re-opened the Archive portion of the Says You! store.  To find the store online, just go the website saysyou.net and head over to shop.  Archives are listed on the drop down menu.  And, remember, we do podcast as well.  We will back to you with the episode number.
The Gang at Says You!