There’s long, then there’s llllooooonnnnngggg
Jeff, a listener on Asheville’s WCQS, weighed in on a conversation about the longest words featured in Says You! bluffing rounds:
Regarding the question about the longest words ever used for a bluffing round, I’m sure there are many that are longer than those in your list, but my favorites are:
If you have a long, short, obscure, funny, or interesting word send them our way!
In addition to the two above (both of which I learned as a kid), I also enjoyed “floccinaucinihilipilification.”
You may remember our Icelandic round from Salt Lake City in December 2016, where I tried to tackle that famously disruptive volcano: “Eyjafjallajökull.”
In my volunteer gig as a reader for the blind, I had to read the name of this Welsh town, in a book of so-called “awesome facts”: “Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch.”
(I had to do it in segments, which I then edited together.)
Apparently, there is a town in Thailand called:
PLEASE don’t make us say these on the air in a bluffing round. I suspect the panelists would take it as a personal challenge to keep asking me “would you repeat the word?” We only have an hour, friends!