This Week on Says You!

Forget the Clubs, Bring a Pen & Paper!


Says You! is still waiting to get back on the road. ‘Till then, we’re gonna Zoom from room to room! Join us this weekend ON THE RADIO!

For more, click the link:

This Week on Says You!

Musical Guests Free Planet Radio

Pardon our oxymoron – New Archives, Available Now!

For those of you who wonder what the Says You! gamers sounded like at the very beginning – head to our shop and check out our season archives.  Seasons 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 are finally available to hear and own as a set or individual episodes.

SOMETHING NEW FOR SAYS YOU! The ‘9-Tease’ Remix with the Original Six

In 1996 Says You! rolled out as a half-hour. NOW, these early episodes have just been remixed and remastered. Join us this weekend for something NEW – Says You! Repartee, repurposed for today’s entertainment needs.

After a deep archival dive into our 600+ shows, we emerged with games that have NEVER been podcast and most have been aired just once or twice. Why? In 2006 Says You! grew from a half-hour of hilarity to an hour. Now, ten perfectly preserved seasons can be heard again.

Most of us will hear these questions and quips for the very first time.

New format, same game. Instead of five rounds with a running score, these 60-minute shows sport nine rounds. Richard Sher hosts as our intimate, invitation-only audiences cheer on three games at each performance – a total of 15 rounds! We’ve selected the NINE rounds that play well with others. Enjoy Says You! in our amateur age – filled with bon mots and blunders that are as ‘fresh’ as ever.


Says You! will release the first decade of shows to our Archive for Father’s Day.  Just head to SHOP on our website.  Individual episodes are available for purchase at $1.95 each.  SEASON BUNDLES are DISCOUNTED 50%.  Seasons 11-20 available now.
If you are interested in receiving advanced notice of the Archival Revival release, we will gladly send you an email: Click Here to leave us your name and email

Shelter in Poetry

Craving an escape from politics and pandemics? Try a panacea of poetry!  Arnie Reisman’s new anthology is packed with immunity-boosting insight.  Explore new territory (Arnie’s mind) without the downside of air travel.

Arnie Reisman shares his thoughts in poetic form. It’s April -America’s national poetry month – and this April is a perfect time to read, write, and think.

“Keep washing until hope shines through

I feel I’m living through the pages cut
From the first printing of the Book of Job
(The God-approved edition)
It was some segment about the threat
Of end of days or evolution of species

I feel I’ve been given the job
Of finding where to punctuate
A run-on sentence heading for the final period
At a time when all pens,
Pencils & cursors have vanished…”

CLICK HERE to read the full poem by Arnie Reisman at the Vineyard Gazette.

Read more on our latest Says You! newsletter.

CK McClatchy Teachers, Staff, Administration and Student Tickets


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Reserved Seating NOW Available for San Bernardino The Witcom

RESERVED TICKET: $45.00 for reserved seating now open for purchase. In collaboration with ASIE, Says You! will be donating your ticket sales for select seats at The Witcom in San Bernardino to Autism Society Inland Empire to support their effort to offer services and programs to improve the quality of life of people with developmental disabilities.


Purchase your tickets here