Definition of “blank”

Rowan from Asheville, North Carolina is listening closely on WCQS:

Every so often in rounds two and four, the host will explain the rounds by stating that each person will receive a card with a definition on it. Only one of them has the real definition. The other two will receive blank cards. Those poor souls will have a few seconds to make up a definition good enough to fool the other team. A card cannot be blank, but also have a definition on it. I think you must have been making a mistake with your words.

As a matter of fact, Richard mentions this at the start of round 2 in SY-714: “You know, somebody called me from Seattle, Washington, to tell me that if everyone receives a card defining a word, then how can two of them be blank? Now, I’ve been saying this for nine years, and somebody finally writes in?!”

Then he laughed and went right on doing it his way.

5 replies
    • Gregg Porter
      Gregg Porter says:

      Hey, Rowan & Jeremy – hope we’ll see you in the audience when we bring the show to Asheville on June 14. I’ve not been back to Asheville in 18 years, so I am really looking forward to this trip!

  1. Gregg Porter
    Gregg Porter says:

    You may note that I don’t say it that way. I say something along the lines of the cards having an unfamiliar word; one card has the definition, the other two are blank.

    But ya gotta love Richard’s way of doing things! I work to respect his style without imitating it.

  2. Bev Sykes
    Bev Sykes says:

    Actually, you’re wrong too. When the people without the definition read their cards they say “it says please make a definition’ or ‘please fake'” or something like that. So actually NONE of the cards is “blank” but only one has the definition.

  3. Gregg Porter
    Gregg Porter says:

    Maybe I’ll ask the Production Team to, for just one show, put nothing but an emoji on the cards without the definition, something like a face with its eyes shut and its tongue sticking out.

    They still won’t be “blank” — but I would enjoy seeing the reaction of the panelists who get them!


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